Advance 2026

The Black Empowerment Agenda

Welcome to Advance 2026, a transformative initiative committed to empowering African American communities by addressing the systemic barriers that have held us back for generations. Our policies are designed to bring about real, lasting change in the areas of law, economics, and education. With your support, we can build a movement that ensures these policies are not just ideas but realities—implemented at the highest levels of government.

We endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for President, but this is not a blank check. We will demand the Harris Administration implement Advance 2026, a bold agenda focused on empowering African Americans by ensuring justice in the legal system, expanding economic opportunities, and advancing educational equality. Our mission is to strengthen African American families and neighborhoods across the nation.

Our Mission

At Advance 2026, our mission is to empower African Americans in the fight for full equality by focusing on justice, economic opportunity, and educational equity. We believe that by building a strong, united movement, we can influence the policies that shape our lives and ensure that our voices are heard. As we look ahead to the 2026 elections, our goal is to work tirelessly to have our policies adopted by leaders like Vice President Kamala Harris if she is elected, ensuring that our communities thrive and succeed.

Key Policy Areas
Criminal Justice And Civil Rights Reform
  • Pass The George Floyd Justice In Policing Act
  • Pass The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
  • Decriminalize/Legalize Marijuana
  • Reform Sentencing Laws
  • End For-Profit Prisons
  • Federal Judicial Diversity
  • Expungement and Record Sealing
  • Strengthen Civil Rights Protections
  • End Prison Gerrymandering
  • Enforce the Fair Housing Act
Economic Opportunity
  • Raise the Minimum Wage
  • Expand And Protect Access to Capital
  • Create Economic Empowerment Zones
  • Invest in Affordable Housing
  • Promote Financial Literacy
  • Pay Reparations
  • Reform The Tax System
  • Expand Small Business Loans For African Americans
  • Protect Worker Rights/Unions
  • Student loan forgiveness
Education Equity
  • Increase and protect funding for public schools
  • Support culturally relevant curriculum
  • Expand access to higher education
  • Combat the school-to-prison pipeline
  • Promote stem education
  • Increase teacher diversity
  • Provide free school meals
  • Expand early childhood education
  • Building a Movement for Change
It Takes All Of Us To Move An Agenda

For Advance 2026 to succeed, we need more than just policies—we need a movement. If Vice President Kamala Harris is elected in 2026, we must ensure that our collective voices demand the implementation of these crucial policies. This is not just a political fight; it’s a fight for the future of our communities.

To make this happen, we need to mobilize our YouTube community and beyond. Here’s how you can help:

Spread The Word

Use your social media platforms to raise awareness about Advance 2026 and the importance of our policy agenda. Share videos, articles, and posts that highlight our mission and the impact we can make together.

Engage Your Representatives

Contact your local, state, and federal representatives to express your support for Advance 2026’s policies. Let them know that you stand with a movement committed to justice, economic opportunity, and educational equity.

Participate In Grassroots Organizing

Participate in Grassroots Organizing: Join or form local groups that align with our mission. Organize community meetings, host discussions, and plan actions that build momentum for our cause.

Support Our YouTube Channel

Subscribe, like, and share our videos to help spread our message. Engage with our content by leaving comments and participating in discussions, helping us reach more people and build a stronger community.

Donate to the Cause

Consider contributing to the Lazarus Law and Justice Project (LLJP), the nonprofit arm of Advance 2026, to support our advocacy and outreach efforts. Your donations help us continue the fight for a better future.

Join The Movement

Advance 2026 is more than just an initiative—it’s a call to action. Together, we can build a future where African Americans have the opportunity to thrive in a society that values justice, equality, and opportunity. Join us in this fight, and let’s make our vision for 2026 and beyond a reality.

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Sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about the latest developments, upcoming events, and ways you can get involved. Together, we can advance the cause of equality and justice for all

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Advance 2026

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